How To Import Capsule Filling Machine From China?

If you are a pharma-guy or a person who is associated with research and development or production of pharmaceutical, food and healthcare industry than you should definitely need to check out the capsule filling machines from the land of China to make a secure and fruitful investment.

Capsule Filling Machine

Capsules, available as hard gelatin or soft gelatin, are the second most used solid dosage form after tablets. Not only in certain cases capsules are cheaper to tablets but also provide excellent bioavailability having an added benefit of patients’ compliance. An art itself; capsules have been used for over a century and half. Now capsule filling is the perfect example of science and arts put together for the well-being of mankind.

Ⅰ.Why import capsule filling machine from China?

Global player in capsule filling machine market
In 2020 the capsule filling machine market was USD 169 million and it is estimated to increase up to USD 260 million by 2027 with a CGR of 5.0%. China has the distinction of having the largest production area and owns about 20% of entire capsule filling machine market of the globe.

Capsule Filling Machine-1

Technological giant
Chinese manufacturers rival German and European counterparts when it comes to state of the art and technologically advanced machines. Cutting-edge electronics, user-friendly interface, fail safe features and less human machine interactions are some built-in salient features of any machine imported from China.

Technological giant

Regulatory bodies approved machines
Chinese manufacturers are well aware of international regulatory requirements and have acquired worldwide accepted certifications; their machines are FDA, CE, GMP and ISO approved thereby attracting buyers from all parts of the world.

Regulatory bodies approved machines

High efficiency with low price
This is the point where manufacturers from China over take their European competitors; provision of machines that are highly efficient and accurate but suit every pocket without compromising quality.

Stylish and aesthetic designs
Innovative designs targeting durability and customers’ satisfaction attract the buyer at first sight. Chinese manufacturers are known to incorporate these two entirely separate concepts as a single entity in their products.

Stylish and aesthetic designs

II.Where to import blister packing machines from China?

Online Search or pharmaceutical near me locator
The quickest way to virtually anything or everything these days is to search through online search engines like Google. Just type keywords in the search bar; in this case capsule filling machine from China and within seconds you will have a list of manufacturers’ website that are providing capsule filling machines. Visit their websites, you will find necessary information to make the purchase.

Online Search or pharmaceutical near me locator

Another quick way is to use the locator pharmaceutical near me which will bring you accurate information about manufacturers and direct you to their websites Not only that you can also compare various products of different manufacturers using pharmaceutical near me locator.

Pharmaceutical equipment exhibitions

Pharmaceutical equipment exhibitions
The best way to know about the machine is to see it physically during operations! For that you will have to visit a factory or you can visit an exhibition. Pharmaceutical equipment exhibitions are organized all over the world throughout the year and Chinese manufacturers take active part in these exhibitions. Not only you can see the working of machines but also can make purchases at discount rates. Plan a visit to a pharmaceutical exhibition this year.

E-commerce platforms
Another way to access Chinese manufacturers is contacting them through third parties or online retailers such as notable cloud services providers like amazon or alibaba. These online retailers provide information related to machines, types offered by manufacturers, manufacturer location and history and also cost of the product.

E-commerce platforms

Fron Global Top 10 Capsule Filling Machine Manufacturer
Importing capsule filling machine from China is difficult and challenging.Which capsule filling machine is suitable for you?Which capsule filling machine is really a factory,not a trading company?Which manufacturer produces high-quality capsule filling machine?We have created the global top 10 capsule filling machine manufacturers in 2022 for you to choose.AIPAK pharmacy is your best choice from China!

III.Popular types of capsule filling machine used for filling hard capsules?

Capsule filling machines are available as manual, semi-automatic and automatic production lines. With an increase in consumer demands, automation has become the second nature of technologically advanced pharmaceutical and food companies. More than 80% industries around the globe have upgraded to automation and advance machines with an increasing trend observed every year.

filling hard capsules

However, to fulfill the requirements of small businesses or lab scale operations you can also opt for manual capsule filling tool or semi-automatic capsule filling machine. At present nearly 7% and 13% of entire pharmaceutical industries are operating with manual tools and semi-automatic machines respectively. Given below are some salient features of manual, semi-automatic and automatic capsule filling machines.

filling hard capsules-3

Manual capsule filling tool

Manual capsule filling tool

Manual capsule filling tool

You can make your own capsules, you just need to buy this hand held capsule filling tool. It is sturdy; made up of stainless steel and plastic, available in different designs and can produce 2000-8000 capsules in an hour. This tool is easy to clean and can be assembled and dismantled within minutes. What’s more! No maintenance and operational cost involved and can be placed on simple bench top.

Semi-automatic capsule filling machine

Semi-automatic capsule filling machine

Semi-automatic capsule filling machine

Semi-automatic capsule filling machine is the best machine for small businesses and laboratories trials. These machines can produce 20,000 to 40,000 capsules in an hour, fully GMP compliant, easy to operate with low maintenance costs. If finances are an issue semi-automatic is the best type you should opt for.

Automatic capsule filling machine

Fully automatic capsule filling machine

Fully automatic capsule filling machine

Automatic capsule filling machine sets the efficiency bar much higher than semi-automatic machine and manual tool because of increased levels of automation. These machines are designed considering strict GMP standards, durable and safe, incorporating accuracy and high tech electronics in a single unit. Designed for high production load automatic capsule filling machine can produce 25,000 to 95,000 capsules in an hour.

IV.How to select capsule filling machine manufacturer from China?

Indeed service provider experience and international sale matters!

You can tell the manufacturer expertise in providing solutions by number of units they have sold internationally and the years they have bagged in for their products. For instance among capsule filling machine manufacturers AIPAK is China’s No. 1 packaging and production supplier since 2008 with operations in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Indeed service provider experience and international sale matters!

Training and support during installation

Training and support during installation

Before selecting a capsule filling machine manufacturer or any manufacturer for that matter, you should probably review the services they provide. Onsite or offsite training and support during installation is a privilege not every manufacturer offer to the end user. Better select a manufacturer that provides this service because no one knows a machine better than the maker!

After sale services

After sale services

Buying machine is only one half of the broader canvas; in order to complete the entire painting you should always consider the after sale services provided by the manufacturer. A machine without after sale services more likely belong in a historical museum than a production facility.



Wear and tear during operations is as normal as breathing itself. Despite keeping a good maintenance and cleaning profile machine may breakdown due to failure of certain parts. Manufacturers know the likelihood of such failures and they provide warranty in case their product does not live up to the claim they provide. On part of manufacturer warranty shows the confidence they have in their product and for the end user it is a way of securing investment.



Standard specifications of the machine sometimes do not coincide with the end user requirements. For instance, voltage requirements of the end user may differ from the standard specifications of a capsule filling machine. In such cases it is usually the responsibility of the end user to make necessary adjustments to accommodate the machine. However, if the manufacturer has versatility in their product specifications that could save time and money, it is a trait that is always looked for.

General features to consider

An ideal machine is the one which is easy to operate and has low operational and maintenance costs since these factors are major influencers that affect the buying capacity of end user. Select the manufacturer that provides easy to operate machines with minimum input from the operator and do not require costly maintenance.

General features to consider

Ⅴ.How to choose the best capsule filling machine from China?

Recognize your needs and requirement

Recognize your needs and requirement

Before placing an order you should be very much clear about your current and future requirements. It is advisable to take into account your needs for next five years post purchase based on your current growth; technology is changing at a rapid pace your model may become obsolete after ten years, so do a thorough research about your needs first!

Select the manufacturer

Select the manufacturer

Once you have decided to buy a capsule filling machine, the next step is to select a Chinese manufacturer to buy from. You can either search online for top manufacturers of capsule filling machine or use a locator such as Pharmaceutical near me! Comparing multiple companies, their products and services at once has never been more easy, use a locator it is convenient and saves time.

Ask for machine specifications and quotation
Usually machine specifications are given on the manufacturers’ websites but you would need to contact the manufacturer for quotation. Contact the manufacturer; discuss your requirements whether you would need a standard or customized version and ask for quotations.

Discuss the services provided by the manufacturer

Discuss the services provided by the manufacturer

Before placing the order discuss the services provided by the manufacturer. These may include after sale services, warranty claims, replacement of damaged goods, on-site or off-site training and logistics.

Ⅵ.Common problems when importing capsule filling machine from China.

It is not necessary that you will face these problems only while importing from China, these problems may occur during shipment from any part of the globe. Be advised! Following problems may be avoided if you thoroughly research and discuss your options before placing order.

Delivery time
It something which is unavoidable whether because of ongoing pandemic or due to other problems such as shipping and regulatory issues there are many reasons due to which the delivery of the machines could be delayed. One advice! Always anticipate the worst and prepare for it.

Delivery time

Communication problems
Language barrier is always an issue with non-native English speaking countries like Germany, Italy or China. But top manufacturers in China have excellent communication skills whether be it written or verbal. You need not to worry about this problem when interacting with lead manufacturers such as AIPAK.

Communication problems

Sub-standard products
There are many manufacturing companies offering pharmaceutical packaging solutions from China, some of them provide machines at very low prices. You need to be wary of extremely low prices because chances are high that you might get duped.

Sub-standard products

Delayed response
One of the many problems that end user may face is delayed response to queries which need urgent attention.  However, companies offering 24/7 online support may process the queries in timely manner. Before placing order look into manufacturer’s customer support services.

Delayed response


In this blog we have highlighted major points including advantages of importing capsule filling machine from China, what to look for when selecting manufacturer and how to import your machine. Hope this blog was interesting and might help you in importing your machine from China. If you want to learn more about capsule filling machine check out our blog CAPSULE FILLING MACHINE: THE COMPLETE BUYING GUIDE IN 2021. Happy hunting!

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